Monday, May 3, 2021
Catching up
Just the photos! OK, a bit of explanating too. I went to Treesign's workshop in Tidaholm last week and got to check out my house in progress, do some in-person planning with Fabian, and plane a bunch of the boards I'll be using as interior wall paneling. Fun times, and also overwhelming. This stage is happening really fast! Before I went I spent some more time with the router on the boards. They were a free score off Blocket, and came from a local museum called Emigranternas Hus (House of Emigrants). Seeing as I'm an emigrant, it seems fitting to use them in my house :-) It takes some time to pull out the screw that are holding them together, but then I also have a bunch of free screws to use again. Win on thriftiness and eco-friendliness.
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